Saturday, August 28, 2010

vugen script replay - HP Web Tours New user Registration script

user already have a recorded script for HP Web Tours Recording - New User Registration. Click Here for details.

Demo Video - HP Web Tours Application - New User Registration Script - Replay

This is my first video tutorial. It would be great if users are giving comments on the quality of the content and video. Based on the comment, I can prepare my future video tutorial in a much better way

Step by Step Procedure to run the script

  1. Double click the Vugen shortcut available in the system desktop
  2. Go to File > Open > Enter D:\StayTuned\Scripts\Recording\WebTours_NewRegistration in file name text box > click open button
  3. Click Tools menu > Click General Options item > Click Display tab and select Show browser during replay checkbox and then click ok button(This option shows the runtime viewer during the script replay)
  4. Click Vuser menu and click Run item OR Press F5 OR Click Runicon in Recording Toolbar
  5. This executes the script successfully without fail. If you observe carefully the runtime viewer, system displays the error as "Your username is taken *******".This error means HP web tours sample application already have an account by this name and suggesting the user to use unique name to register.

Points To Consider

This example shows how the load tester (without proper training or mentoring) can do a invalid test. If Load tester did not find this error in vugen runtime viewer and assume script is working fine.what would be the validity of the load test if load tester conducts a 100 user test and publish the results.It is always a good practice to customize the loadrunner scripts for page validation and others. I am planning to write an article Customizing loadrunner vuser scripts in near future

Friday, August 27, 2010

how to disconnect terminal server session remotely

There are few cases where we need to disconnect the session from the terminal server remotely.

Scenario Usuage

For example, the logged in user has completed his work remotely but user forgot to close or logoff the session. The session remains active and NOT allowing other users to connect to terminal server.

you can follow the steps mentioned below.
  • Login to the other remoter server
  • Open command prompt
  • Enter command as tsdiscon SessionID /server:servername to disconnect the session


To disconnect session 3
type tsdiscon 3 /server:servername

To disconnect session 6
type tsdiscon 6 /server:servername

how to restart/shutdown terminal server remotely

There are few cases where we need to shutdown/restart the terminal server remotely.

you can follow the steps mentioned below.

  • Login to the other remoter server
  • Open command prompt
  • Enter command as tsshutdn /SERVER:servername /reboot to reboot the server/system
  • Enter command as tsshutdn /SERVER:servername to shutdown the server/system

tsshutdn /SERVER:

The first command restart server named "servername".
The second command shutdown server named "servername".

how to find terminal server session details/information remotely

There are few cases where we need to find out session details remotely.

Scenario Usuage

For example, the remote system is shared across different team members and you are NOT able to login to the remote system as two sessions are already used by other users.

you can follow the steps mentioned below.
  • Login to the other remoter server
  • Open command prompt
  • Enter command as query session /SERVER:servername

The above command lists the users who are connected to server named "servername".

how to find terminal server user details/information remotely

There are few cases where we need to find out users who are connected to the remote system.

Scenario Usuage

For example, the remote system is shared across different team members and you are NOT able to login to the remote system as two sessions are already used by other users.

you can follow the steps mentioned below.
  • Login to the other remoter server
  • Open command prompt
  • Enter command as query user /SERVER:servername

The above command lists the users who are connected to server named "servername".

Monday, August 23, 2010

RDP Full Screen issue/ RDP how to configure full screen

In few occasion,users are not able to see the full screen of remote desktop system

you can do the following steps from your client system to see the full screen of your remote system
  • Click Start
  • Click Run
  • Type mstsc
  • Click ok button
  • In the Remote Desktop Connection window, Click Options in bottom left corner
  • Click Display tab
  • In the display configuration section,move or drag the slider towards large and system display the fullscreen text right below the slider
  • Now you can connect to the remote system using system IP, user credentials and verify the result

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The terminal server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed connections

Error Description

The terminal server has exceeded the maximum number of allowed connections

The above error is most often user will get if users are working with RDC (Remote Desktop Connection)

Why this error occurs
  1. The maximum number of sessions allowed remotely for RDC is TWO at any given time.
  2. Unfortunately the logged in user is NOT logged off their session, then their session will be acive. so other users tries to RDC will get this familiar error

How to resolve
  1. Open the command prompt in your client system
    Enter the command mstsc /v:servername /admin /f –console (This will login to the remote system in console using admin user. In user dialog, enter your admin username and password)
  2. Once logged in, go to Start- Run- type tsadmin- Click Enter
  3. This will open the Terminal Services Manager and shows up the users session connected to the system.
  4. Logoff the other two sessions (Right mouse click and click logoff menu item from menu)
  5. Try to RDC now, it will successfully allow the user to RDC to remote system.

servername is a variable that you have to replace with your server ip or server name

how to avoid this error

Insist the user to logoff their session once they have done their work remotely